2021 Techie Camp: Virtual Georgia - TECH CORPS

Our students in Georgia wrapped up an exciting two weeks of summer learning empowerment at Techie Camp: Virtual. TECH CORPS, in partnership with the Nordson Corporation Foundation, provided Computer Science education for 23 students in grades 5-8 from DeKalb and Fulton County.

During the first week, students took a deep dive into Scratch, a visual programming language that allows students to create interactive stories, games and animations using block-based coding which uses drag-and-drop “blocks” to construct animated stories and games.

The second week, they had their first experience with Twine, a tool for creating interactive fiction, where players read content and then interact by clicking links in the text. Students created elaborate narrative games using JavaScript, a programming language used in web development and CSS, a declarative language that describes visual aspects of a web page. They also completed various Computer Science “unplugged” activities such as creating origami figures while practicing their algorithm building skills.

Techie Camp student, Zoe Baldwin shared, “Thank you for making this program! I’ve had so much fun here. I hope this happens again next year for upper grades.”

(Pictured left) Students and instructors from the June 7-11, 2021 Techie Camp: Virtual DeKalb and Fulton Counties. (Pictured Above) Students and instructors from the June 14-18, 2021 Techie Camp: Virtual DeKalb and Fulton Counties.