Hackathon Press Release

Hackathon Press Release

2018 TECHCORPShack Sponsored by AT&T FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT INFO Whitley Hawkins whawkins@techcorps.org 614-583-9211 Ohio High School Students Develop Mobile Apps to Aid in the Opioid Crisis 2018 TECHCORPShack Sponsored…


TECH CORPS Student Spotlight: Kasey Wilson

Kasey Wilson Columbus, Ohio native Kasey Wilson always wanted to do something technology-related. “I tend to enjoy things that are challenging and have mobility,” recalls Kasey. But it wasn’t until…


Hackathon E-blast

2018 TECHCORPShack Sponsored by AT&T TECH CORPS, AT&T and Ohio colleges team up to educate high school students about coding and computer science. Capital University (Columbus), Sinclair Community College (Dayton)…


Let’s celebrate - Summer 2018!

As summer comes to an end, so do many of our TECH CORPS programs. We want to thank all the people who make our camps and programs possible– sponsors, partners,…
