For Immediate Release:
March 29, 2016
NEO High School Students Benefit by Expanded Coding Camp Options This Summer
Summer coding camps part of year-round, systemic effort to grow IT talent in the region
Cleveland, OHIO — TECH CORPS and RITE (Regional Information Technology Engagement) have brought together employers, higher education institutions, and tech organizations to offer free High School Coding Camps to more than 100 Northeast Ohio (NEO) students this summer.
The United States faces a declining number of students choosing computing majors, despite an increasing demand from employers for these skills.
“The fact is that while today’s students are the most tech-savvy generation ever, many have no interest in computing degrees or careers,” said Lisa M. Chambers, TECH CORPS National Executive Director.
A recent CompTIA survey of American teens found that while 96% of them report “liking” or “loving” technology, just 18% indicated an interest in pursuing a technology career. More than 60% of the students surveyed said they had “no knowledge” of what it is like to work in the technology sector.
The High School Coding Camps are designed to engage students in hands-on, interactive coding activities. The students will learn industry standard programming languages and through a series of activities they will be exposed to the same activities software developers encounter every day. In addition to developing technical and 21st century skills, the students will interact with technology professionals from NEO companies as well as learn about educational and career pathways in the region.
“I’m excited about the investment Northeast Ohio employers are making in their future workforce,” said Chambers. “Studies have shown that students who have opportunities to engage in computing experiences, in school or out of school, are more likely to consider a computing degree than those without these opportunities.”
The camps are sponsored by Bendix, Eaton Corp., NEOSIM, OEC, J.M. Smucker Company, Progressive Insurance, and Vertical Knowledge.
The camps will be held at Baldwin Wallace University, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland State University, Cuyahoga Community College, Kent State University, Lorain County Community College and University of Akron.
As an IT Executive and the Chairman of the RITE Board, Bill Blausey, CIO of Eaton Corp, understands the challenges regional IT employers face. “Reaching students early in their educational career through initiatives like these camps is an essential part of a more systemic response to IT career pathway development in our region,” said Blausey.
“Frankly, there are just not enough girls going into IT,” said Kathy Golden, Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, OEConnection. “That is why OEConnection is partnering with Baldwin Wallace University to offer a girl’s only coding camp this year through this program.”
Up to 20 students will be selected for each camp based on their application, essay, and teacher letter of recommendation. The application, camp locations and dates can be found at RITE’s website:
Deadline for application is Friday April 22, 2016. Students will be notified week of May 16, 2016.
“RITE’s partnership with TECH CORPS continues to deepen and expand through this initiative and other collaborative activities,” said Courtney DeOreo, Administrator, of RITE. “Through RITE programs and partnerships, we are on track to double the number of high school students served through our expanding portfolio for regional high schools. We will put in a big plug for these camps at our upcoming Get IT Here! Summit on April 15 to the nearly 200 students expected to attend.”
This summer, in addition to the High School Coding camps, TECH CORPS will deliver technology programming to more than 1,000 elementary, middle and high school students. For details about the High School Coding Camp and other summer programs visit
TECH CORPS was founded in 1995 by Gary Beach, Publisher Emeritus of CIO Magazine and author of The U.S. Technology Skills Gap. Gary envisioned an organization which would challenge American volunteers to help K-12 schools build a technology infrastructure – – much like the Peace Corps challenges men and women to help developing countries build their infrastructures. Building from a state pilot in Massachusetts, TECH CORPS developed technology programs and deployed tech-savvy volunteers to assist K-12 schools and youth-serving organizations across the country. Over the years, partners such as Cisco, HP, Intel, Microsoft, and NCTA have provided TECH CORPS with the fuel to deliver much-needed technology resources to K-12 students and teachers. Since 1995, more than 15,000 TECH CORPS volunteers have shared their time and talents assisting schools and nonprofit organizations in their communities. Visit TECH CORPS on the web at, @techcorps_org or
About RITE
RITE is a collaboration of senior IT executives, educational leaders, and industry organizations that are committed to IT focused talent development in Northeast Ohio. RITE champions IT career development by proactively attracting, preparing and placing IT talent through dynamic industry, educator and community collaboration. This three pronged approach – Attract, Prepare, Place – is now known as the RITE “APP” and provides the strategic framework for RITE’s programs, projects and partnerships. Visit RITE at
Media Contacts:
Lisa M. Chambers
Courtney DeOreo