Make an employer-matched donation

Did you know your company might double, triple, or quadruple your charitable donations? Here’s how it works: You make a donation to a nonprofit and request a match from your employer, who then makes a donation to the same nonprofit. The match will make a difference for your favorite nonprofit cause. TECH CORPS is a registered 501(c)(3).
TECH CORPS will provide you with a record of your donation to share with your employer. We are available to work with you on your employer-match donation.
Share a corporate grant opportunity

Many companies award grants in line with their corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. A CSR lets the public know that the company cares about giving back to the community. TECH CORPS believes ALL K-12 students should have access to computer science education experiences.
Please connect with us if you know of a corporate grant opportunity that aligns with TECH CORPS’ mission.
Host a fundraiser for TECH CORPS

Everyone loves a party, especially for a good cause. TECH CORPS believes studying computer science, regardless of a student’s ultimate occupation, provides the knowledge and practices necessary to be ready for college or careers.
“What makes a fun night a special night? Aligning the Central Ohio IT Community to provide $7,000 in funding to TECH CORPS and the Tech Community Coalition!”
—Steve Gruetter,
Catalyst in the Ohio IT community
For more information about becoming a TECH CORPS partner, contact our Development Specialist Jennifer Jolliff at