TECHCORPShack: Technology and More

TECHCORPShack: Technology and More

Students Can Register Now for Statewide Hackathon that Gives High School Students Technology and Workforce Skills “As a new American, I faced a number of challenges in school,” explained Amy…


NE Ohio students discover technology skills are for anyone willing to learn

NE Ohio students discover technology skills are for anyone willing to learn

“By attending High School Tech Camp, students in Northeast Ohio are learning that technology is NOT a talent they have to be born with,” explained TECH CORPS instructor Elizabeth Souers.…


TECHIE CAMP introduces elementary students to robotics

TECHIE CAMP introduces elementary students to robotics

TECH CORPS has teamed up with CoverMyMeds to bring Techie Camp to Columbus City Schools students. Techie Camp engages students in activities that stimulate an interest in technology.CoverMyMeds, which recently…


TECH CORPS brings new tech fabrication programming to Lorain County students this summer

TECH CORPS brings new tech fabrication programming to Lorain County students this summer

(Lorain, Ohio) — Members of TECH CORPS’ program and curriculum team completed hands-on training in cutting edge technology from the Fab Foundation at the Fab Lab located at Lorain County…
