Igniting a Passion for Technology in Akron Students

Igniting a Passion for Technology in Akron Students

Techie Workshops In Akron, the city known for invention, TECH CORPS is igniting a passion for technology among its young residents with an array of empowering programs. “Our Techie Workshops…


Unplug and Dive into the Realm of Computer Science

Unplug and Dive into the Realm of Computer Science

Dive In! We got to unplug and dive into the world of computer science with 24 Out-of-School-Time (OST) providers at our TECH CORPS Unplugged professional development session! From cup-stacking shenanigans…


Tech Learning Powers Up: Students Decode the Digital world

Tech Learning Powers Up: Students Decode the Digital world

Dynamic Learning The 2024 Computing Career Corps (CCC) program embarks on a promising journey, setting the stage for a dynamic learning experience that will continue weekly through May. Our rockstar…


TECH CORPS Awarded Prestigious Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency

TECH CORPS Awarded Prestigious Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency

Columbus, Ohio – (February 6, 2024) – TECH CORPS, a national nonprofit dedicated to advancing computer science education to K-12 students traditionally underrepresented in technology, proudly announces its recognition with…
