“I love how TECH CORPS gives people opportunities. TECH CORPS provides students with knowledge about technology that they probably would have never learned in school.” – Axumawite Gebreyhones.
Axumawite Gebreyhones attended a high school that had both a STEM Academy and an Arts Academy. Without having any prior exposure to technology, being part of the Arts Academy was her preferred route. But after seeing a TECH CORPS flyer at her school promoting Computing Career Corps, her journey would change course.
Axumawite became enrolled in Computing Career Corps (CCC) in 2016, and she credits the program for giving her a different outlook on technology. Through hands-on lessons and activities, CCC introduces students to a variety of in-demand occupations in the field of technology including computer programming, software engineering, robotics, 3D printing, and app development. Students gain a solid understanding of the inner workings of technology and use their newly acquired skills and creativity to develop solutions and products.
During her time in CCC, Axumawite recalls a memorable moment that solidifies how she feels being a woman in technology. “When I coded a robot in CCC with a group of four girls, we were the first team to get it through the obstacle course. We were ALL females, and there were students in the class who took CCC before and my group had never. Knowing that at that moment in time as a minority female, being able to succeed in something in a field [that] not a lot of female minorities even try to look into was amazing!”
After completing CCC, she joined TECH CORPS’ Student WEB CORPS (SWC) program that summer. Student WEB CORPS provides high school students with a suite of web development, project management and professionalism skills and then challenges them to apply those skills in the authentic task of building a website for a mock business.
After graduating high school and enrolling in college in 2018, Axumawite was hired by TECH CORPS to serve as an instructor for SWC.
Now a freshman studying Civil Engineering at The Ohio State University, this future engineer, who previously wanted to be a lawyer, thanks TECH CORPS for opening up her mind to the functionality of technology.
“You look at an iPhone and you love how the camera takes good photos and that the screen is bright, but how does that work?” asks Axumawite. “Same with buildings and roads. You see buildings and bridges every day, but do people really see the math and science involved behind building that bridge? That’s why I am interested in looking at what it takes to build infrastructure.”
When asked what she would say to someone who wants to pursue a technology pathway, she simply replied by saying “Always try! How will you know if you like tech if you never tried to work with it.”
Sounds like Axumawite took her own advice and is already on her way to making her mark in technology!
your detailed view on the tech and our day to day activities sounds nice. and I am proud by you young lady. most of the time the Tech is enjoyed by those who are skilled in programming, statistics maths along with their best communication skill.