Plunge into web development and earn cash as you learn. During the Student WEB CORPS program, We’ll equip you with web development skills, team you up with peers, and challenge you to build websites for simulated businesses or nonprofits. Join us to code, collaborate, and make a difference in the digital world!
Date: June 10-July 19
Time: 9am-2pm
Hourly Wage: $12.50
Location: Elyria High School
601 Middle Avenue
Elyria Ohio 44035
Program Requirements:
- Must be in Grades 10-12 for the school year 2024-25 and attend a school in Elyria City School District.
- Must meet either the Ohio Means Jobs TANF-eligibility income requirements or have an Individualized Education Plan (I.E.P.).
Watch the video to hear from our 2023 Student WEB CORPS students!
Student WEB CORPS is a TECH CORPS signature program supported by the Community Foundation of Lorain County.
TECH CORPS is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring all K-12 students have equal access to the technology programs, resources and skills to enrich their education today and to prepare them for college, credential or career tomorrow. Join us in 2024 for these exciting learning opportunities!
Important Information
- Students will be accepted to participate in the program on a first come, first served basis and must complete the Ohio Means Jobs application process.
- Students will earn an hourly rate of up to $12.50/hour, depending on the student’s age.
- For the Ohio Means Jobs application process, students and families will need to provide their social security card, identification card, and family income. If you or a family member need to obtain these documents, now is a great time to start!
- Student and Parent Information
- Student Emergency & Medical Information (only retained if student is accepted into the program)